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Life is all about emotions. How we feel determines what we do. All emotions are important and part of us.

All emotions are part of us, they guide us, shape us, show us the way forward. Letting go and making room for new emotions is of great value. Often it is good and necessary to mindfully "let go" of some emotions that no longer serves us.

Autumn with its beautiful warming colors can be a good time to tap into, acknowledge and release emotions and feelings; just like when the autumn leaves let go and fall of their branch in the trees.

The energy of the color ORANGE can be a good color to use to gently notice, accept and release emotions. It is a color that can support movement and changes in our lives. At the same time ORANGE can symbolize warmth, optimism, courage and decision-making.

Thinking of the last leaves still left on the trees at this moment, we invite you to try this mindful exercise together with your children and teenagers for a moment of observing, accepting and releasing inner emotions or feelings:

1. Go to nature.

2. Pick your autumn tree.

3. Sit down around or in front of the tree.

4. Close your eyes and take a deep breath with a long exhale.

5. Connect to your emotions and feelings.

6. Notice if there is one or more emotions you wish to release right now.

7. Gently accept this emotion as being part of you.

8. Look at the autumn tree and with the next leaf you watch falling of the tree, together with an exhale, imagine THIS leaf being the emotion leaving your mind and body.

9. Notice for a moment how your body feels after releasing this emotion.

10. Continue releasing more emotions and feelings like this, if you like.

11. When you are done, sit for another moment, enjoy the ORANGE colors, the tree and feel the gratitude for all your emotions.

This exercise can be used to motivate children to be curious about their emotions and feelings. To feel good having both comfortable and uncomfortable emotions, knowing that all emotions are part of all people. This exercise can also serve to get to know themselves better.

We invite you to follow our Instagram wrapped_in_colors for more inspiration of how to use colors in connection with emotions.

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